- February 15, 2021
- Posted by: Philip Struble
- Category: Uncategorized

noun: science
- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Have you noticed the increased frequency of comments that lead with “Science says. . .”, Scientists reports. . . “, or “100 scientists sign letter . . . “?
What is it that we are to understand when the information we are provided is supposedly supported by “science?”
Scientific Worldview
Scientists share certain fundamental beliefs and attitudes about what they do and how they view their work. These beliefs all have to do with the nature of the world and what can be learned about it.
Science presumes that the things and events in our universe occur in consistent patterns that are comprehensible through careful, systematic study. Scientists believe that through the use of the intellect, and with the aid of instruments that extend the senses, people can discover patterns in all of nature.
Science assumes that the universe is, as its name implies, a single vast system in which the basic rules are everywhere the same. Knowledge gained from studying one part of the universe applies to all other parts.
For instance, the same principles of motion and gravitation that explain the motion of falling objects on the surface of the earth, also explain the motion of the moon and the planets. With some modifications over the years, the same principles of motion have applied to other forces—and to the motion of everything, from the smallest nuclear particles to the most massive stars, from sailboats to space vehicles, from bullets to light rays.
The problem with relying on a reference that suggests it is supported by science is found in the definition of science and its worldview.
Science is not an end but a means.
Science is a “systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.” Through the structure of the study, different scientists can arrive at different conclusions.
This is why scientists come to opposing conclusions on issues such as the treatment of COVID 19, global warming, critical earth population analysis, just to name a few.
Ignoring the few studies that falsify or misrepresent data, in general scientists on both sides of a study are right in terms of science—they used a systematic process to observe the natural world through observation and experimentation.
Scientists who declare support for one side of an issue are equally as accurate as of the scientists who oppose the same issue.
Science and Business
Business leaders and entrepreneurs need to be aware of the limits of science as it impacts their businesses.
First, science demands rigor. It requires the work to be done, the data documented, and the analysis be exhaustive. And even then, the final observations can differ between scientists. There is no quick calculations or shortcut.
The parallel is that for your business to be successful requires the work to be done, the data documented, and the analysis be exhaustive.
Second, if you are to implement new technology, introduce a new novel process, or follow previously unknown and unused criteria, then don’t rely on just one scientist or one scientific line of thought. Look into what complementary scientific thinking, such as economics, social sciences, and theology, says. Employ critical thinking.
Thirdly, understand the competing ideas. And more importantly, don’t discount these ideas. More often than not, competing theories have led to breakthrough innovations that have entirely changed markets.
The Bible
Finally, understand the limitations of science, remembering that it is a process of observations and not a determination of accuracy. There is not a set strategy in economics to make specific impactful recommendations on the US economy. There is no single particular answer to how to vaccinate against future pandemics.
What we do know, however, is that all scientific observations are made in a world designed and created by God.
Scientists must rely on a universe that is one comprehensive system, which demands that it has one single Designer and Creator.
Genesis 1:1 says.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
As business leaders, we need to rely on scientific observations to make sure we are using the best processes, data, and analyses possible. But science is not the end answer. We need to rely on the Creator of the universe to assist us in finding the right solutions.